Football News: England FA Chief Discusses Contingency Plan for Gareth Southgate’s Potential Departure

In a move that has piqued the interest of football enthusiasts, the English Football Association’s chief, Mark Bullingham, has disclosed that England has a contingency plan in place in case Gareth Southgate decides to part ways with the Three Lions.

Contingency Plan Revealed

The revelation comes amidst the ongoing speculation surrounding Southgate’s future as the England manager. Bullingham’s comments have added a new dimension to the discussion, as the FA looks to ensure a smooth transition should Southgate’s tenure come to an end.

“We have a contingency plan in place,” Bullingham stated, addressing the media. “We want Gareth to stay, but we have to be prepared for all eventualities.”

The news will be of particular interest to fans and pundits ahead of the highly anticipated Euro 2024 tournament, where England will be looking to build on their recent successes under Southgate’s leadership.

Openness to Non-English Managers

Bullingham also touched on the prospect of bringing in a non-English manager, should the need arise.

“We would be open to considering a non-English manager if we feel they are the right fit for the team and can take us to the next level,” he said.

This flexibility in the FA’s approach could open up a wider pool of potential candidates, as the governing body aims to ensure England’s continued progress on the international stage.

Uncertain Future for Southgate

The future of Gareth Southgate remains a topic of much discussion within the English football community. With the FA’s contingency plan in place, the focus will now shift to whether the current England manager will continue to lead the team or if a new era is on the horizon.

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