Football News – Euro 2024 Update: Southgate’s Experiment Risks Hurting England

The English national team’s campaign at Euro 2024 has not gone according to plan for manager Gareth Southgate. As the Three Lions prepare for their quarterfinal clash, there are concerns that Southgate’s latest tactical experiment could hinder their chances of success.

One of the key talking points is the potential deployment of Arsenal star Bukayo Saka as a left wing-back. Former England goalkeeper David Seaman has warned that this move could make Saka a target for Switzerland, England’s quarterfinal opponents.

“Saka has been one of England’s standout performers so far, but playing him out of position as a wing-back could be a risk,” Seaman said. “Switzerland will be looking to exploit any weaknesses in that area, and Saka might find himself under a lot of pressure.”

Southgate has been known for his willingness to experiment with formations and player positions, but some pundits believe that this latest tactic could backfire. The manager’s decision to tinker with the team’s structure has raised eyebrows, with concerns that it could disrupt the rhythm and cohesion of the squad.

“Southgate has to be careful not to overthink things at this stage of the tournament,” said a former England international, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “The team has shown glimpses of their potential, and now is not the time to rock the boat with major tactical changes.”

As the Three Lions prepare for their quarterfinal showdown, all eyes will be on Southgate’s team selection and tactics. The manager will need to strike a delicate balance between experimentation and maintaining the team’s solid foundations if England are to progress further in the Euro 2024 competition.

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