Browsing: FIFA

In a significant development for the women’s football landscape, the USA and Mexico have withdrawn their joint bid to host the 2027 FIFA Women’s World Cup, instead focusing their efforts on securing the hosting rights for the 2031 tournament. This strategic decision highlights the importance of long-term planning and commitment to the growth of the sport.

The recently concluded FIFA Women’s World Cup has brought to light a significant issue faced by players from several participating teams – a substantial tax burden imposed by the Australian Tax Office. This tax deduction has had a disproportionate impact on players from developing countries, highlighting the need for governing bodies to prioritize the welfare and fair treatment of players in high-profile tournaments.

The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) has taken legal action against FIFA, co-filing a claim with the French players’ union and Fifpro. The case challenges the legality of FIFA’s unilateral decisions on the international match calendar, including the expanded FIFA Club World Cup 2025, which the PFA believes has pushed the football calendar to an unsustainable level for players.